Program 1. Virgil Cândea. Romanian testimonies abroad. Romanian creations and sources about Romanians in foreign collections, 8 vol. (2008-2018). Coordinated by Ioana Feodorov. Prioritized program of the Romanian Academy.

Research group: Ioana Feodorov, Andrei Pippidi (final revision), Andrei Timotin,

Mihai Ţipău, Iuliana Deac, Elena Herda, Cătălina Vătăşescu, Elena Siupiur, Daniel

Cain, Anca Popescu, Andreea Dunaeva, Carmen Crişan, Mihai Mitu, Constantin



Program 2. Ethnicity and socio-economic practices in the Balkans (2016-2018). The program is associated with a bilateral research project with the Institute for Ethnography and Folklore of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Ethnicity, People and Environment on the Danube (2018-2020). Coordinated by Stelu Șerban.

Planned works:

  1. Stelu Șerban: The Ethnicity of Romanians in Northern Bulgarian. Current Perspectives (2016-2018).
  2. tefan Dorondel: Ethnicity, Politics and Access to Natural Resources in South-Eastern Europe (2016-2018).


Program 3: Traditional culture, social history and the history of languages in South-Eastern Europe (2017-2019). The program is associated with a bilateral research project with the Institute for Balkan Studies and the Center for Thracian Studies of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences: Culture traditionnelle, histoire des langues du Sud-est de l’Europe (2017-2019). Coordinated by Cătălina Vătășescu.

Planned works:

  1. ătălina Vătășescu, Viorel Stănilă, Kanuni i Leke Dukagjinit, the Unwritten Albanian Code of Laws and Customs. Translation and notes (2017-2019).
  2. Cristina Codarcea, Family and Property in Wallachia in the 17th and 18th Centuries. A Comparison with the Ottoman Empire and Central Europe (2017-2019).
  3. Cristina Feneșan, Conversions to Islam in the Carpatho-Danubian Area. Case Studies (Conversions of Prisoners, Slaves, Youths Taken through Devișirme, Conversions Owed to Dervishes) (2017-2019).
  4. Mihail-George Hâncu, The Origin and Signification of the Image of Battle of Military Saints (Saint George, Saint Theodore Tiron, Saint Demetrius) with the Dragon (2015-2019).
  5. Simona Nicolae, Archaizing Tendencies and Influences of the Spoken Language in the Epistles of Demetrius Cydones and Manuel Palaeologus (2017-2019).


Program 4: The Critical Bibliography of the Revue des Études Sud-Est européennes and of the Revue historique du Sud-Est européen (2018-2019). Coordinated by Andrei Timotin.

Planned works:

  1. Andrei Timotin (coord.), Mihail-George Hâncu, Oana Iacubovschi, Ștefan Petrescu, The Critical Bibliography of the “Revue des Études Sud-Est européennes (1963-2017) (2018)
  2. Andrei Timotin (coord.), Mihail-George Hâncu, Oana Iacubovschi, Ștefan Petrescu,  The Critical Bibliography of the “Revue historique du Sud-Est européen” (2019)


Program 5. European Reintegration and Modernization in South-Eastern Europe (16th – 20th centuries) (2017-2019). Coordinator: Andrei Pippidi.

Planned works:

  1. Andrei Pippidi and Andrei Timotin. Unpublished writings about South-Eastern Europe from the L. F. Marsili Fund in Bologna (2017-2019)
  2. Viorel Panaite, Western Merchants and Commercial Practices in the Ottoman Mediterranean: Law and Abuse (Late 16th Century – Early 17th Century) (2017-2019)
  3. Petre Guran, The Geopolitics of Orthodoxy (2017-2019)
  4. Ligia Livadă Cadeschi, Hygienism vs Social Eugenism in 20th-century Romania. From Discourse to Practice (Sanitary and Social Protection Legislation, Public Institutions, Private Settlements) (2017-2019)


Program 6. Politics and Culture in South-Eastern Europe (19th-20th centuries) (2017-2019). The program is associated with a bilateral research project with the Institute for History of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences: À la recherche du passé utile. Le passé comme ressource pour le présent (2017-2019). Coordinated by Daniel Cain.

Planned works:

  1. Daniel Cain, Ethnicity and Citizenship in the Old Kingdom.
  2. Virginia Blînda, Written Culture in South-Eastern Europe; the Paradigm of Modernity (First Half of the 19th Century).

The working collective is formed of Daniel Cain, Virginia Blînda, Ștefan Petrescu, Constantin Iordan and Elena Siupiur.


Program 7. Historical Sources, Memory and Imaginary (Cultural, Political, Identity)

(2017‐2020). Coordinated by Lia Brad Chisacof.

  1. Lia Brad‐Chisacof, the edition of Iordache Golescu’s Register of the Romanian Language (Ms. rom.1595 BAR) (2018‐2020)
  2. Mihai Ţipău, The Historical Writings of Athanasios Komninos. Translated in Romanian with Historical and Philological Notes (2017‐2020)
  3. Florin Ţurcanu, The Quadrilateral 1913 – Military, Political, and Cultural Aspects of the Appropriation of Southern Dobruja by Romania (2017‐2019)
  4. Ştefan Petrescu, South-Eastern Europe in the Romanian Press (18771923) (2015‐2019).
  5. Simona Nicolae, The Correspondence of Demetrios Kydones and Manuel Palaeologus. Romanian Translation (2017‐2019)

Program 8. Institutions, Religion, and Colonization in Greek Antiquity (2017-2020). Coordinated by Vasilica Lungu.

Planned works:

  1. Vasilica Lungu: The Signification of Dionysiac Representations in the History of Religions in the West-Pontic Region (2017‐2020).
  2. Adrian Robu: The History and the Epigraphy of Megara (5th century BC – 5th century AD) (2018‐2020)

This program is also associated with a series of cooperation projects based on international agreements and financing or on extrabudgetary projects: the European program “Ramses”, the European program KELAINAI, the cooperation project with the Institute for Museum Ecology in Tulcea and the Louvre.


Other projects:

  1. Pottery of Labraunda: Looking for a Carian Facies;

Vasilica Lungu is a member of the Labraunda research team:

  1. Lesbos: Grey Ware Pottery. Black Sea lac Ionien ou mer Aeolien? (Greek-Canadian program)
  2. Kelainai: Anatolian Pottery (European program)
  3. The PATABS program in cooperation with CNRS France

Program 9. Oriental Travelers in the Romanian Principalities and Russia. Paul of Aleppo, the complete edition (2018‐2020). This program is associated with a bilateral research program with the “A. Krymskyi” Institute for Oriental Studies of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in Kyiv (17th Century Historical Sources concerning Moldavia and Ukraine. Research on Paul of Aleppo’s Travels of Macarius III, Patriarch of Antioch, 2018‐2020) and a common project with the Institute for Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Saint Petersburg (Documents concerning the relations between EastEuropean countries and the Patriarchate of Antioch (Syria) in the XVIIth century, 2018‐2020). Coordinated by: Ioana Feodorov.

Research collective: Ioana Feodorov (coord.), Mihai Țipău, Oana Iacubovschi, Zamfira

Mihail și Ovidiu Olar (“N. Iorga” History Institute).

Program 10. Bibliothèque de l’Institut d’Études SudEst Européennes (BIESEE),

Containing works of the members or collaborators of the Institute for South-East European Studies, as well as works or study collections of important figures from the history of ISEES (2018‐2019).

Coordinated by Andrei Pippidi and Andrei Timotin.

Already planned works (Editura Publishing House – Museum of Brăila):

  1. N. Iorga, Histoire des États balkaniques, édition par Andrei Pippidi et Andrei Timotin (BIESEE 1).
  2. ‐Șerban Tanașoca, Études byzantines et balkaniques, édition par Oana Iacubovschi et Andrei Timotin (BIESEE 2).
  3. Viorel Panaite, News in England on the Great Turkish War (16831699) (BIESEE 3).
  4. Virgil Cândea, Histoire des idées en Europe du SudEst (XVIIeXVIIIe siècle), édition par Ioana Feodorov (BIESEE 4).
  5. Recueil d’études sur l’art byzantin et balkanique de Maria‐Ana Musicescu, édition par Oana Iacubovschi.
  6. Cătălina Vătășescu, Recherches lexicosémantiques sur le roumain et sur l’albanais.
  7. Recueil d’études de Paul‐Henri Stahl (Structures sociales en Europe du SudEst), édition par Irina Stahl, Stelu Șerban et Andrei Timotin.
  8. Recueil d’études sur l’histoire du droit sud‐est européen d’Emanuela Popescu‐Mihuț.
  9. Andrei Timotin (coord.), Mihail‐George Hâncu, Oana Iacubovschi, Ștefan Petrescu, A Critical Bibliography of “Revue des Études sudest européennes (19632017).


Other works in preparation are also planned to be published by the end of 2019.