Project 1. Ethnicity, People and Environment on the Danube (2018‐2020).

A project with the inter-academic cooperation of the Institute for Ethnology and Folklore and the Ethnographic Museum of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Sofia, associated to Research Program 2. Coordinated by Stelu Şerban and Petko Hristov.

The Romanian research collective: Stelu Şerban, Virginia Blînda, Ştefan Dorondel, Elena Siupiur, Constantin Iordan.


Project 2. Ethnic Groups and National Minorities in Central‐ and South‐Eastern Europe (17th21th c.) (2016‐2018). A project with the inter-academic cooperation of the Institute for Archeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, associated with Research Program 2. Coordinated by Andrei Timotin and Dagnoslaw Demski.

The Romanian research collective: Andrei Timotin, Stelu Şerban, Ioana Feodorov.


Project 3. Culture traditionnelle, histoire sociale, histoire des langues du Sud‐est de l’Europe (2017‐2019). Proiect de cooperare interacademică cu Institutul de Balcanistică și Centrul de Tracologie al Academiei Bulgare de Ştiinţe, asociat Programului de cercetare nr. 3. Coordonatori: Cătălina Vătășescu și Lora Taseva.

The Romanian research collective: Cristina Codarcea, Cristina Feneşan, Mihail George Hâncu, Simona Nicolae, Lia Brad Chisacof.


Project 4. À la recherche du passé utile. Le passé comme ressource pour le présent (2017‐2019). A project with the inter-academic cooperation of the Institute for History of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, associated with Research Program 6.

Coordinated by Daniel Cain and Blagovest Njagulov.

The Romanian research collective: Daniel Cain, Virginia Blînda, Ștefan Petrescu, Constantin

Iordan, Elena Siupiur.


Project 5. 17th Century Historical Sources concerning Moldavia and Ukraine. Research on Paul of Aleppo’s Travels of Macarius III, Patriarch of Antioch (2018‐2020). A project with the inter-academic cooperation of the „A. Krymskyi” Institute for Oriental Studies  of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in Kyiv, associated with Research Program 9. Coordinated by Ioana Feodorov and Yulia Petrova.

The Romanian research collective: Ioana Feodorov, Mihai Țipău, Oana Iacubovschi,

Zamfira Mihail and Ovidiu Olar („N. Iorga” Institute for History).


Project 6. La cité Orgamé/Argamum et son territoire: archéologie d’un paysage

antique (currently being extended). A French-Romanian program coordinated by the Institute for South-East European Studies and the Institute for Museum Ecology in Tulcea on the Romanian side, and by the Louvre on the French side, associated with Research Program 8. Coordinated by Vasilica Lungu and Alexandre Baralis.

Project 7. Documents concerning the relations between East‐European countries and the Patriarchate of Antioch (Syria) in the XVIIth century – The Journal of Patriarch Makarius III Ibn al‐Za’im’s Journey to the Romanian Principalities, Ukraine and Russia, written by his son, Paul of Aleppo. Arabic edition, translation, introduction, philological and historical notes, bibliography and indices (2018‐2020). A project with the inter-academic cooperation of the Institute for Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Saint Petersburg, associated with Research Program 9. Coordinated by Ioana Feodorov and Serghei Frantsouzoff.

The Romanian research collective: Ioana Feodorov, Mihai Țipău, Andreea Dunaeva, Ovidiu Olar (“N. Iorga” Institute for History).


Project 8. Culture and History East of the Carpathians from a South-East European Perspective (17th-20th centuries) (2018‐2020). A project with the inter-academic cooperation of the Institute for History, State and Law of the Moldovan Academy of Sciences, associated with Research Programs 5 and 6. Coordinated by Andrei Timotin and Gheorghe Cojocaru.

The Romanian research collective: Andrei Timotin, Ștefan Petrescu, Oana Iacubovschi, Stelu

Șerban, Zamfira Mihail, Constantin Iordan.


Project 9. Religious rhetoric of power in the Byzantine and Balkan Middle Ages

(2018‐2020). A project with the inter-academic cooperation of the Institute for History of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, in collaboration with the “N. Iorga” Institute for History, associated with Research Program 5. Coordinated by Andrei Timotin and Ivan Biliarsky.

The Romanian research collective: Andrei Timotin, Andrei Pippidi, Ovidiu Cristea, Petre

Guran, Ovidiu Olar, Lidia Cotovanu, Oana Iacubovschi.